Live Psychic


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Live Psychic is a new app that will change your life! It has many features that will ensure you are positive and confident about the direction your life is going. Psychics are available 24/7 to answer any and all questions you might have. For the app to work correctly you need a working internet connection. The roots of astrology go back to the dawn of man himself but even as far as 3000 years ago the great Hindu sage Parasara expounded the principles of sidereal astrology also known as Vedic astrology. His monumental work Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra is a classic work and basic reading for any astrologer who wishes to pursue this branch of study. Around the same time in Mesopotamia the Chaldeans built some of the earliest "observatories" called Ziggurats which were like watchtowers used for stargazing. Some of these were up to 300 feet in height. And it was the Chaldeans who sliced up the celestial sphere into the 12 star signs as we have come to know them.
Derived from the two Greek words... Astra meaning a star and logos meaning logic or reason, the word astrology has come to mean many things to many different people. To the practitioner is the study of the intimate relationship between celestial movements and terrestrial life. To the lay person interested in the topic it is away to somehow cast aside one's sense of responsibility for what happens in one's life and endow the planets and stars above with that task. And of course to the nonbeliever there just isn't anything you can say that will convince them that some distance star in another galaxy can actually have any impact upon human beings here on planet Earth.
Inherent in the laws of physical and celestial nature is a connection to the laws of life and that includes what happens to us, being part of the greater environment and universe. The doctrine of reincarnation and the physics ruled it for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction is the governing Law and ideology of astrology.Psychic and intuitive abilities, like the ability to give spiritual healing, should not be regarded as the gift of the few – they are the birthright of everyone on Earth. These abilities are latent within us all – and intuition and psychic development can occur through spiritual practices, such as yoga breathing and mantra, and by various forms of service to others, such as prayer and spiritual healing.